Thursday, 08 October 2009
Software Abstractions
When I use the term software engineering, the definition I am referring to is:
“Software Engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software.”
So what then is a Software Abstraction? Take this paragraph from the awesome book, :
“Software is built on abstractions. Pick the right ones, and programming will flow naturally from design, modules will have small and simple interfaces, and new functionality will more than likely fit in without extensive reorganization. Pick the wrong ones, and programming will be a series of nasty surprises: interfaces will become baroque and clumsy as they are forced to accommodate unanticipated interactions, and even the simplest of changes will be hard to make. No amount of refactoring, bar starting again from scratch, can rescue a system built on flawed concepts”.
Brilliant! It’s the first paragraph of the 1st chapter into a world of real software design - i.e. formal specification, including the ability to model and automatically analyze your design:
“Unlike theorem proving, this analysis is not “complete”: it examines only a finite space of cases. But because of recent advances in constraint – solving technology, the space of cases examined is usually huge – billions of cases or more – and therefore offers a degree of coverage unattainable in testing.”
“Moreover, unlike testing, this analysis requires no test cases. The user instead provides a property to be checked, which can usually be expressed succinctly as a single test case. A kind of exploration therefore becomes possible that combines the incrementally and immediacy of extreme programming with the depth and clarity of formal specification.”
Check out Alloy Analyzer and the Community.
It’s slow going for me, but I am getting through the book. Until you read this and run Alloy Analyzer, you cannot imagine the number of “cases” Alloy Analyzer can run, like the text says, a billion or more. It picks apart your design like you have never seen before. Imagine what the number of cases would be when you combine dozens of models to formulate a software application.
This is a leap forward in software engineering design in my opinion. Being able to analyze your design against a billion cases without writing a single line of production or test code is unheard of in mainstream software development industry today. Using this design approach will produce software design's that will be more robust, perhaps by orders of magnitude, than any manual method we apply today. The software design itself, is a complete formal specification used by the “end” software programming language to transform the complete design into a runtime solution.
What about the software engineering definition comment in the opening? I am pointing out that we are following the definition of software engineering by using Alloy for designing software; it is one way to apply a systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to software design. In my opinion, we as an industry, and as professionals, should be applying more effort towards software design. Why? Read the “Software is built on abstractions…” paragraph again.
Daniel Jackson and his team’s work on Alloy Analyzer, to me, is the state of the art in software design today. When will it become mainstream? Good question, but you can help. As a Software Designer, have a look at Alloy. Maybe apply it to a hobby project. With enough practice, perhaps introduce formal design specification to the workplace on one small specific issue or algorithm you are working on. That's my approach.
I know change is hard and everyone resists, but look at it as an experiment to try out, see how it works, and if it makes sense to you. As a software engineering practitioner, I am trying to become a better software designer by learning new concepts and techniques. I believe Daniel Jackson’s Alloy makes me a better software designer.
 Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Goes to zoomii

In my last post, I asked the question, “Show Me a Good User Interface Design.” I asked the question simply because of the length of time I have been in the software development business, sometimes you get so close to your work that you can’t see the forest for the trees. And I was certainly feeling that way. It is further exacerbated by the more you look at user interface designs the less objective you become – I needed a fresh perspective.
Thankfully, Breton commented on my blog about zoomii and as soon as I saw it, I knew I was back in business. As I commented to Breton, zoomii reminded me of a user interface design I was involved with back in 1994 working for a company that developed banking applications using the Smalltalk programming language (oh, how I miss that programming language and environment, but that is another story). We developed a visual (read: physical) representation of a banker’s desk (by banker’s role) where there were forms and files in desk drawers that could be pulled out, a calculator on the desk, calendar, etc., you get the idea.
What I remember the most about the user interface design was when we rolled it out to the bank employees and had a person sit down in front of the interface, she just started using it with no training! The bank person said, “oh, I get it, it’s just like my desk”, and proceeded to pull out on of the drawers and flip through the file folders and clicked on a form to be filled out. We were initially astonished by this as we had developed a training course to use the software, but the bank personnel did not need any training! It was amazing, pretty soon everyone wanted to try it out and was using it immediately, with no help from us.
Now the paradigm is back and even better. And what is that paradigm? I am sure there is a formal way of saying it that is probably in Jeff Raskin’s book, The Humane Interface, but for me it is dead simple, it is a model of the physical world designed and implemented in software as a zooming user interface.
Chris Thiessen, the one and only developer for zoomii, states on his web site, “…spending afternoons wandering the shelves. Happening across great books I didn't even know existed. But it's an experience I never found online.” It is so true. I used to frequent a computer bookstore in
Calgary Alberta that carried only computer books on its shelves. I would spend 2 to 4 hours on Saturday afternoons just browsing the shelves, picking up books and browsing through them and leaving the stores with a pile of books. Over a few years, I had accumulated over 80 books this way. Unfortunately, the bookstore succumbed to competition by the big box book store chains that moved into Calgary and is no longer. I sure miss it!
But it is back in zoomii! Let’s look at some of the user interface design elements. First of all, if you click on Categories, you get this view:

Note that as you hover the mouse cursor over the left hand categories, the right hand representation of category on the book shelves is highlighted (white in this case). Brilliant! Very quickly, I could easily discern where the Computer book "shelves" were, so when I went back to the shelves, I could easily navigate (pan by holding the left mouse button down and zooming in and out using the mouse wheel) to the computer books and get the view below in a matter of seconds and minimal mouse clicks/movements.

Then I can zoom into a shelf that is sorted by the author’s last name:

Notice the little left and right arrows on either side of the Computers name category. If you click on one of these, you navigate to the next shelf on the left or right.
When you find the book you want, you can click on it and get a detailed description of the book, plus the ability to look at what reviewers of the book had to say about it. Essentially, for the reviews, it takes you to Amazon.com and if you read zoomii's frequently asked questions, Chris tells us that he uses Amazon’s Associates Web Services to interact with Amazon’s data and refers the sales to them and gets a cut using . Brilliant business model.
Chris also states that the way he stocks his shelves is, by the top ranked 25,000 books. He does state that if he used subcategories that if could to 100,000 or more. Chris is considering an optional view that will shelve Amazon’s entire book inventory. I hope he does as I would be very interested in that – more books to browse!
I love the simple navigation of the site:
The basic navigation fits into the classic 7 +- 2 paradigm that our short term memory can handle, a far cry from the +60 clickable items navigation you get with "Office 2007 and the Killer Ribbon".
Clicking on the home button, produces this view:

Creating an account is dead simple, with no confusing user name versus email address. Simple, yet complete – something we truly lack in our software industry.

For the techies, if you right click and view source in your browser, you are presented with a minimalistic file that contains mostly CSS and a bit of JavaScript and the barest of HTML. If you look closely, you can see the JavaScript file Chris uses, and with a little know how, you can download his zoomii.js and pop it open in your favorite code editor to take a gander. It is some 10,000 lines of JavaScript code, but Chris appears to use no 3rd party AJAX frameworks, or Flex or Flash or Silverlight plug-ins, it is all his own work. Truly amazing!
Another feature is the unlimited undo. Clicking on the back button in the browser basically retraces all of the steps (zooms, clicks, everything!) that you performed from the time you entered the site.
The search capability is my only small quibble on the site. It is not as exact as I would like, but it is not Chris’ design, but rather the Amazon web service returning too many books that seemingly don’t match the search criteria. For example, when I type in, “Expert F#”, I get returned 29 matches, when there are only really 2 matches that should have shown up (ideally it should have been one match).
I am sure I am missing other features, and certainly will peruse Chris’ zommi.js more to understand how he put it all together, but for now I am enjoying myself more by simply using the interface then almost any other web based interface I have used or designed on my own.
As someone who develops ecommerce applications at work, I can see this user interface design making shopping at any “brick and mortar” store online a lot of fun and more so, exactly what the general public would want and enjoy, IMO. I can just image browsing through the “shelves” at Bestbuy or Costco or FutureShop or… I could see how it would be applied in a B2B supply chain relationship scenario as well for electronic parts or manufacturing for example. It would seem the applicability is universal.
Kudos to you Chris for designing a top notch user interface that brings the joy back for someone that used to browse computer books for fun many years ago. I am even more impressed that you did this all by yourself!
Which really begs the question for our software development industry, are we all doing it wrong and Chris is doing it right?
 Sunday, 18 May 2008
“The required techniques of effective reasoning are pretty formal, but as long as programming is done by people that don’t master them, the software crisis will remain with us and will be considered an incurable disease. And you know what incurable diseases do: they invite the quacks and charlatans in, who in this case take the form of Software Engineering Gurus.”
EWD1305. Answers to questions from students of Software Engineering, Edsger W. Dijkstra, 2000.
A very insightful, but somewhat harsh observation by Professor Doctor Dijkstra. Also consider:
“No, I’m afraid that Computing Science has suffered from the popularity of the Internet. It has attracted an increasing – not to say: overwhelming! – number of students with very little scientific inclination and in research has only strengthened the prevailing (and somewhat vulgar) obsession with speed and capacity.” Again from EWD1305.
As an aside, Dijkstra, and as some of you may have heard of Dijkstra’s algorithm, made a number of fundamental contributions to the area of programming languages and received the Turing Award in 1972. You can read his notes diary on line which makes for fascinating reading.
Why did I quote Dijkstra? Well, I tend to agree with his view and as described in my previous post, I don’t think we, as Software Engineers, know how to perform Software Engineering. In fact, I don’t even think Software Engineering really exists in our world today – and in some respects, we seem to be moving farther away from it instead of getting closer. That is to say our predilection for programming languages blinds us to what our real focus as Software Engineers should be.
Let me be more succinct. When I say Software Engineering, I am picking specifically on that huge black hole called software design – i.e. we don’t know how to “design” software. We sure know how to program the heck out of it, with our humungous list of programming languages, but what techniques and tools do we have for “designing” the software to be programmed? How do we model our design? How do we prove (i.e. verify) our design is correct? How do we simulate our design without coding it? Ponder.
Designing software is all about designing “abstractions.” Software is built on abstractions. Programming languages are all about implementing abstractions. But where do those abstractions come from and how do we describe or model (i.e. design) those abstractions?
Let’s look at some approaches to designing software “proper.” Formal methods is an approach to software design. From Wikipedia, “In computer science and software engineering, formal methods are mathematically-based techniques for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems. The use of formal methods for software and hardware design is motivated by the expectation that, as in other engineering disciplines, performing appropriate mathematical analyses can contribute to the reliability and robustness of a design. However, the high cost of using formal methods means that they are usually only used in the development of high-integrity systems, where safety or security is important.”
“Hoare logic (also known as Floyd–Hoare logic) is a formal system developed by the British computer scientist C. A. R. Hoare, and subsequently refined by Hoare and other researchers. It was published in Hoare's 1969 paper "An axiomatic basis for computer programming". The purpose of the system is to provide a set of logical rules in order to reason about the correctness of computer programs with the rigor of mathematical logic."
Another approach is program derivation, “In computer science, program derivation is the derivation of a program from its specification, by mathematical means.”
“Model checking is the process of checking whether a given structure is a model of a given logical formula. The concept is general and applies to all kinds of logics and suitable structures. A simple model-checking problem is testing whether a given formula in the propositional logic is satisfied by a given structure.” As an aside, you will note that the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is not on the list of model checkers. Interestingly enough, any UML diagram cannot be checked (i.e. verified) for correctness, so what good is UML? OK, I am being a bit facetious, but for the most part, I have found this similar to Dilbertisms – they are satirical truths.
One approach that is familiar to me is, “Design by Contract, DbC or Programming by Contract is an approach to designing computer software. It prescribes that software designers should define precise verifiable interface specifications for software components based upon the theory of abstract data types and the conceptual metaphor of a business contract." The metaphor comes from business life, where a "client" and a "supplier" agree on a "contract”
However, while a lot of companies talk about Design by Contract, very few, at least in my experience, actually perform this and particularly at the level required for it to be beneficial. Further, while it is a “clear metaphor to guide the design process” that in of itself makes it hard to simulate the design of a software system or “prove” (i.e. verify) the correctness of a software system, before writing any code.
So how do we design software that meets the criteria of modeling the software and simulate the running of the software to verify its correctness? After much research, I came across one approach that seems to make the most sense to me, in which why I will explain shortly. First, an introduction to Alloy and Alloy Analyzer from the Software Design Group at MIT.
“Alloy is a structural modelling language based on first-order logic, for expressing complex structural constraints and behaviour. The Alloy Analyzer is a constraint solver that provides fully automatic simulation and checking. Our philosophy is to couple lightweight design and specification notations with powerful tools.”
There is a book called, “Software Abstractions” by Daniel Jackson on Alloy and Alloy Analyzer. You can also download a few chapters of the book. In the preface chapter, I was particularly impressed with these two paragraphs,
“The experience of exploring a software model with an automatic analyzer is at once thrilling and humiliating. Most modellers have had the benefit of review by colleagues; it’s a sure way to find flaws and catch omissions. Few modellers, however, have had the experience of subjecting their models to continual, automatic review. Building a model incrementally with an analyzer, simulating and checking as you go along, is a very different experience from using pencil and paper alone. The first reaction tends to be amazement: modeling is much more fun when you get instant, visual feedback. When you simulate a partial model, you see examples immediately that suggest new constraints to be added.
Then the sense of humiliation sets in, as you discover that there’s almost nothing you can do right. What you write down doesn’t mean exactly what you think it means. And when it does, it doesn’t have the consequences you expected. Automatic analysis tools are far more ruthless than human reviewers. I now cringe at the thought of all the models I wrote (and even published) that were never analyzed, as I know how error- ridden they must be. Slowly but surely the tool teaches you to make fewer and fewer errors. Your sense of confidence in your modeling ability (and in your models!) grows.”
Let me step back in time for a moment to illustrate to you why these two paragraphs are of particular interest to me. Back in the 80's, in the electronics field, I went through this type of “industrialization” first hand with electronics circuit design. At first we drafted our circuit designs on real blueprint paper, we then built some sketchy prototypes (anyone remember breadboards?), designed our tests and implemented test harnesses (i.e. scopes, analyzers, generators, etc.) and tested the design “after” it was implemented. Note that it may take a number of manual iterations or cycles to get the design right as well.
I would say this pretty much sums up the same approach we use to design software today. I.e. “sketch-up" some designs, start coding right away, spend an inordinate amount of time “refactoring” and developing test after test after test and then in the end, in some cases, figuring out that, guess what? all of the tests simply validate and verify that the software design is so flawed from the original specification (read: sketch-up) that we have to start over again. Whether the process is called TDD, Agile, iterative, waterfall, whatever, in the end it really does not matter as the process itself is flawed because it completely misunderstands the role of software design and therefore the result can only be the sorry state of software in our industry. But I digress.
Then the electronics design world was revolutionized when SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) came along. It ran on a computer that not only allowed you to design your electronic circuits, but also simulated the implemented design (i.e. an instance) where you hooked up your “virtual” test instruments, in software, and completely emulated the circuited deign without ever having to breadboard the circuit. I personally lived that era and is one of the main reasons, after spending 17 years designing and programming software since, have come to the humble realization, there must be a better way.
The industrialization part of SPICE meant that we were moving from a completely manual process, in which we could only verify the circuit design after the fact, to dramatically reducing the cycle time to design and verify the design of an electronic circuit without ever expending any tooling or material costs whatsoever. Further, you could do numerous design iterations basically for free, plus apply thousands (billions!) of test cases to the simulated design that we would never be able to achieve manually. This was modern day industrialization in real practice. We certainly can’t do design iterations in our software world for free today.
From Software Abstractions, I love the lines, “then the sense of humiliation sets in, as you discover that there’s almost nothing you can do right. What you write down doesn’t mean exactly what you think it means. And when it does, it doesn’t have the consequences you expected. Automatic analysis tools are far more ruthless than human reviewers.”
This is exactly what happened to us electronic circuit designers when we first started using SPICE. We thought we really could design analog circuits and as it turned out, even some of our basic design assumptions were completely flawed. We struggled at first to understand what the heck we were doing was so wrong. Then after careful analysis, tuning and testing of the design models, we started seeing the errors or our ways and our designs became more exact, precise and tolerant of numerous error conditions. It was truly a humbling experience.
And that’s the point of this post. In my opinion, we in the software design community could use some humbling. I am pretty sure that most of our designs, regardless of programming language used, are majorly flawed. We, meaning so called Software Engineers, find this out after being in the field for several years, hacking (or is that tooling?) away in our favourite programming languages without any real verifiable proof that our design is the right one or even correct or would even work before we started coding.
Maybe we are all in denial. Maybe I am over generalizing, but having been designing and programming software for many years, I feel I need to reset and look at software design from a much more formal perspective, hence this intro to Alloy and Alloy Analyzer. Both the technique and tools embody what I personally experienced in another industry that underwent nothing short of a revolution in the way how electronic circuits are designed (i.e. industrialization). One could say today that the electronics design industry has been fully industrialized.
Software industrialization will occur one day; history will repeat itself, in the same way that it happened in the electronics design world (and other engineering disciplines) will also happen to the software design world. In fact, it already is happening today. Software design techniques and tools like Alloy and Alloy Analyzer are making it possible to design software and verify the design of the software before the software is actually implemented (i.e. coded). And that is what I call the industrialization of software.
I ordered the Software Abstractions book, downloaded the tools and tutorials and will report back my findings sometime in the future. Needless to say, this is the first time, in a long time, I have become excited again about being in the software development industry.
 Friday, 28 April 2006
I came from the R&D electronics engineering world in the 80s and got into software development in 1991. After 15 years in the software dev biz, the only conclusion I can draw is compared to the industrialized electronics world I came from, the software development world is decidedly unindustrialized. In addition, we are going backwards instead of forwards in our progress towards industrialization. I am genuinely concerned about the future of our software industry.
Nonsense you say? Let me put some context and perspective around my statements. In the 80s when I was still in the electronics engineering world, software computer programs (i.e. CAD/CAM) were on their way to the top of the Technology Adoption Curve, particularly with the release of AutoCAD in 1982, which soon brought a level of design automation to the electronics engineering world that was literally revolutionary. I lived it. Here is a concrete example of what I experienced. Instead of handcrafting printed circuit board layouts by hand, within a couple of years, we were operating several sophisticated computer (i.e. CAD) programs that could assist with the design of the layout of the board cheaper, better, and faster than I could do it manually. What the CAD programs didnt have was my experience so in the hands of a skilled and experienced operator meant the ability to put cheaper goods, with much more quality in the hands of consumers, faster. It also meant some serious electronics industrialization has happened over the last twenty-five years - almost feels exponential in my opinion.
I used the term unindustrialized in the first paragraph, what do I mean be that? I mean that in our software development world, we do not have any (real!) predictable or repeatable processes for the specification (i.e. design) of software. And please dont tell me about yet another great process methodology**. Worse yet, when we do design and construct a software artifact, it invariably is the wrong thang. We also cant scale in anyway to design large scale architectures. Finally, our software development world today is based upon designing software from first principles, rarely do we leverage other peoples excellent work, including CAD systems and/or approaches that worked in other, now industrialized industries (e.g. electronics). I see the latter being the biggest hurdle to overcome as it is a cultural change instead of a technical one.
** Note In 1995 I worked at Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY. Kodak Equipment Commercialization Process (KECP) was a new product introduction (NPI) process methodology that has evolved for decades we have nothing this evolved in our software world. Further, some would say that in order to make a process predictable and repeatable, you need to be using the same tools over and over again or at least for a period of time to establish a baseline and then a feedback loop. Our software tools keep changing every six months (or earlier), so we cant even establish a baseline let alone a feedback loop Kodak knows a thing or two about industrialization and we in the software industry could learn from that.
What do I mean by going backwards? I feel that we are going backwards in two areas, programming languages and more importantly, design environments that can produce design specifications, and no I do not mean CASE tools. We are woefully lacking Computer Aided Design tools that are now best practices (and have been for years) in other industrialized industries like electronics, manufacturing, building construction to name a few. Do you think it is unreasonable of me to expect better software design tools when I was handed exponentially more powerful tools in the electronics industry years earlier? Thats my gripe, still hand crafting single lines of code after 15 years in the industry. Something is wrong, man! Maybe I am real naive or born in the wrong era, but you would think that we in the software industry, after 15 years (try 30!) could come up with better design tools than a glorified text editor, now mockingly called an Integrated Development Environment. No?
So, programming languages, how can I say we are going backwards? Preposterous! Well, whatever happened to Smalltalk? Yes, every programming language is a foreign language, some easier to learn than others and thats my point. Have a quick read of this short article from 1991 to see what I mean. From my industrialization perspective look at how incredibly simple and efficient Smalltalk is! The language consists of 5 keywords (Java and C++ have +50) and the entire language specification can be expressed on a single sheet of paper! Isnt this the pinnacle? The state of the art? Its language roots are +30 years old and seem to be one of the most mature programming languages available. What happened? Not only was the language simple, but the development environment was equally as simple along with the most seamless source control I have ever worked with. Again, what the heck happened? Whats wrong with Smalltalk? No, I dont mean strongly typed versus dynamic or VM or GC or anything technical. I mean is it because our industry is so immature we cant see a good thing when we see it? Is it because our industry is dominated by a handful of companies which dictates the software programming languages market?
The multiple programming languages I use today and the IDE I am in are far more complex by at least an order of magnitude. Further, rather than optimizing a language that is simple to learn and effective, we proliferate choices for the sake of choice, nothing technical here. I know of one vendor that supplies 7 different graphical user interface technologies, each complete with its own framework class library and even more IDEs. 7 UI technologies from one vendor? How is this making it easier (for anyone)? How do I know which one to choose? How do I become expert in any of them, as I still need use my primary language (C#) and another incredibly large framework class library, .NET 2.0. If anything, it is getting harder and harder to develop custom applications, not easier.
XAML is a brand spanking new declarative programming language from Microsoft. This raises the level abstraction from an impetrative programming model (e.g. C#) to a declarative programming model. So if I need a day job and live in the MS world, I would take a long hard look at XAML. It goes far beyond then just another user interface mark-up language (using Windows Presentation Foundation). Sure the view is separated from the model, yay, but that was a Smalltalk invention (i.e. MVC). However, the crucial invention here is that XAML is a language that enables developers to specify a hierarchy of common language runtime (CLR) objects with a set of properties and logic. Meaning specifying a hierarchy of any .NET objects using a declarative language. Hmmm there is a CAD program for designing software in there somewhere. Key point to get - just like Objective-C provided an interface to any objectified clib to be plugged together like electronic integrated circuits. Remember Brad Coxs Software ICs?
When I was working at a software company called the AND Group in the early 90s, an extremely sharp programmer named Tim Wasko (look at you now Timbo!), showed me Brads invention on a NEXTSTEP computer. I was blown away and so was Tim. Brads Interface Designer and Integrated Circuit (IC) library approach to supplying and assembling software components using a common interface (Objective-C) rang true to me then as it does now, 15 years later. It is an excellent analogy to the tools and approach we took in the electronics engineering world. Not only did it work, but software programs like AutoCAD had a major impact on the entire product development process for the electronics industry (and others), meeting the requirements of industrialization. Finally, a piece of software that can really claim automation of processes and offers scalability that no human could do. AutoCAD (and similar) revolutionized the electronics engineering through the 80s. Note that the tool enabled the process of industrialization and in fact, you hear little about the product development process, cause it is well known. However, in our industry, because we have no standard way of designing software, all we have is process methodologies with dumb a$$ names.
Brads Objective-C System Building Environment is interesting as most people classify his invention as yet another programming language. Unfortunate, as the crucial invention here was that the language (i.e. building environment) allowed systems to be easily designed based upon assembling composite objects using an Interface Designer and IC Library.
This approach is very similar to the electronics world where our designers are various CAD programs that would specify what we wanted in terms of electronic schematic circuit diagrams, circuit board layouts, mechanical drafting design, etc., which all represented the specifications (i.e. design) of what was to be implemented (built, constructed, made real, realized, whatever you want to call production). We also had our IC libraries called electronic parts catalogs that we could order parts that met our specifications and then could be assembled onto our now made printed circuit board whose layout was based upon a circuit diagram specification, all of which we specified (i.e. designed) in some sort of CAD tool.
Why do I think this comparison to the CAD world of electronics and our own? I believe this is the path to software industrialization. I recently talked to an old mate (hi Darren!) I used to work with in the early 80s when we were part of an electronics R&D shop. He went on to get his Masters in Electrical Engineering and has been working in Nortels R&D department as a RF Designer for the last 8 years. I asked him what some of the advances were in the way of specification (i.e. design) tools. He laughed and said that they have a directory tree full of CAD tools used to specify what they want built. Most if not all of the tools are visual design tools with a few (visual) simulation tools. In other words, they are domain specialized tools, with their own languages for each aspect of the specification that needs to be designed. In fact, if you were to classify it to our software world, one could say that each one of these CAD tools encapsulated their own Domain Specific Language (DSL).
I would also say that Brads System Building environment, from 15 years ago, was also a DSL that objectified clibs using a standard interface (i.e. pluggable palettes and a common design surface). In other words, the visual design raised the level of abstraction to a point where you were assembling prebuilt C libraries that plugged into a standard interface. That meant any supplier of clibs could objectify their library and have it plug into the design environment. One analogy is like Visio where you buy a set of 3rd party symbols (like electronic symbols for example) that plug into Visio as a standard palette in which now you can interact with on the drawing surfaces and design circuits.
In fact, this is the point of the analogy. In the electronics world, the electronics circuit schematic diagram with its symbols and lines represent a design specification. Every other artifact and/or transformation is derived from the design specification. Note that everyone uses the same (domain) specific language to design electronic circuits. This language consists of numerous symbols. Each symbol is an abstraction of the real thing. There are symbols for resistors, capacitors, transistors, integrated circuits, etc. But note that the symbols are simply interfaces. Each interface has a definition, like a resistor symbol typically has two connectors and between those connectors is where the specification of the resistor is specified, in which there are a million combinational values. Or another way to look at it is someone elses spec sheet is the resistor value. In fact for every symbol or interface on the design surface is where you indeed plug in a spec sheet that came from a catalog or that you have to custom build yourself or a third-party builds it for you.
Of course, in the electronics world, we use CAD programs to draw our schematic diagrams using these standard symbols. We still dont have these types of specifications tools in our software design world. In fact, we still dont get what software design is. Have a look at this 1992 article on, What is Software Design. Software design is still the 1000s of lines of code - in other words, the actual program listing is the only real design specification. This program listing was hand-crafted one source code line at a time. The closest activity I can think of that is similar to writing software is like writing a novel, but in a foreign language next blog topic.
So what does this all mean? It means that we in the software industry have built all sorts of CAD, CAM, etc., tools for virtually every industry but our own. How ironic. In my opinion we are still using hammers and chisels to sculpt one-off master pieces. How many e-commerce applications in the world have been hand-crafted? Millions of them. Functionally, they are all virtually identical and still today we keep hand crafting them, one source code line at a time. This is what really makes me mad about our industry, the all so mighty not invented here syndrome or must build from first principles or whatever it is to avoid using someone elses perfectly fine programming language, development environment, etc. So every year we just re-invent the same thing over again and give it a new acronym. If I have to learn one more programming language or one more class library I am going to quit this nonsense and grow oranges, or since I am in BC, grow some BC b$d.
Until we as the software development industry get serious about producing some real CAD tools for designing software, we are going to hand-craft our profession into extinction. I can tell you that the future of software industrialization wont look like and that is what it is today building the software world one source code line at a time.
 Monday, 10 October 2005
There is an interesting web site called lesscode.org. From their about box: lesscode.org is a place to advocate, discuss, and practice the art of using less code to get more done. We shun complexity and challenge the status-quo when it impedes our ability to simplify our development tools and processes. We appreciate Python, Ruby, LAMP, REST, KISS, worse is better, and talk like a pirate day. lesscode.org is a loose federation of concerned hackers for web preservation and advocacy.
When I first came to lesscode.org, I thought it was going to be about more design and lesscode. However, it seems that the site is about people that really care about handcrafting excellent code. I can respect that, just different to what I though it was going to be about.
One of the topics of interest is a debate on scalability and what that means. I think the issue of scalability is all about the design and has less to do with any particular programming language, application server, framework, or infrastructure. If the design (via the requirements) calls for the application to scale to x, y or z, with meaningful metrics, then it is up to the Architect to design an application, system, or whatever, to ensure the design meets the requirements. And btw, we are in the software world, we can make anything scale nothing that time and money cant solve in our virtual world.
However, there is also the issue around making the software development process scalable and one of the lesscode authors made an analogy to restaurants/cooking and talked about different types of restaurant had different scalability requirements. Other lesscode commenters thought this was a terrible analogy. MSFT certainly has a view on scalability and they do use the restaurant analogy in which they call a Software Factory:
A software factory is a product line that configures extensible development tools like Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) with packaged content and guidance, carefully designed for building specific kinds of applications. A software factory contains three key ideas: a software factory schema, a software factory template and an extensible development environment:
Think of the software factory schema as a recipe. It lists ingredients, like projects, source code directories, SQL files and configuration files, and explains how they should be combined to create the product. It specifies which DSLs should be used and describes how models based on these DSLs can be transformed into code and other artifacts, or into other models. It describes the product line architecture, and key relationships between components and frameworks of which it is comprised.
The software factory template is like a bag of groceries containing the ingredients listed in the recipe. It provides the patterns, guidance, templates, frameworks, samples, custom tools such as DSL visual editing tools, scripts, XSDs, style sheets, and other ingredients used to build the product.
An extensible development environment such as VSTS is like the kitchen where the meal is cooked. When configured with the software factory template, VSTS becomes a software factory for the product family.
To press this analogy further, the products are like meals served by a restaurant. Software factory stakeholders are like customers who order meals from the menu. A product specification is like a specific meal order. The product developers are like cooks who prepare the meals described by the orders, and who may modify meal definitions, or prepare meals outside the menu. The product line developers are like chefs who decide what will appear on the menu, and what ingredients, processes, and kitchen equipment will be used to prepare them.
How about that? In fact, if you look at any industrialized process it has been designed to scale. The key word being designed. So if the restaurant needs to scale to millions, then design it to scale! While I respect my fellow codecrafters, I am waiting for the industrialization of software to take place so I dont have to keep writing the same base code over and over again for each job that comes my way. After serving a million burgers, you would think the codecrafters would get tired of this too?
 Sunday, 03 July 2005
An unpleasant scene from Cool Hand Luke, but also represents the sorry state of our software industry is in today.
Here is a pictorial example of what I am talking about which represents software design at its finest:
Even the customer could not explain what s/he needed. Whats wrong with this picture? Even though it is something as trivial as a swing on a tree, everyone has their own ideas as to what the words mean because we dont have a way of visualizing what the software should be.
Had the customer drawn the picture, rather than describing it with words, which is what we usually do in gathering software requirements, then the outcome may have been different. In fact, that is the key. Look at the picture again, everyone knows what the customer really needed. So whats wrong again?
The current state of the art in software engineering has us describing customer virtual requirements using words. Even worse, once we have the words then software designers (architects, programmers, whatever) use highly specialized drawings that mean nothing to anyone but the person who drew it. We cant even share some of these drawings with our fellow programmers because even they may misinterpret the drawing depending on the dialect and that persons training for that language.
What the software industry needs is a way to draw software so that all of the participants can understand the picture. What that looks like, I dont know, because it has not been invented yet.
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