DasBlog Blogger Access Point

Implementation of Blogger XML-RPC Api

The following methods are supported:

method blogger.deletePost

Deletes a post.


string appKey
string postid
string username
string password
boolean publish - Where applicable, this specifies whether the blog should be republished after the post has been deleted.

Return Value

boolean Always returns true.

method blogger.editPost

Edits a given post. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the edit.


string appKey
string postid
string username
string password
string content
boolean publish

Return Value

boolean Always returns true.

method blogger.getCategories

Returns a list of the categories that you can use to log against a post.


string blogid
string username
string password

Return Value

array of struct Category  

method blogger.getPost

Returns a single post.


string appKey
string postid
string username
string password

Return Value

struct Post  

method blogger.getRecentPosts

Returns a list of the most recent posts in the system.


string appKey
string blogid
string username
string password
integer numberOfPosts

Return Value

array of struct Post  

method blogger.getTemplate

Returns the main or archive index template of a given blog.


string appKey
string blogid
string username
string password
string templateType

Return Value


method blogger.getUserInfo

Authenticates a user and returns basic user info (name, email, userid, etc.).


string appKey
string username
string password

Return Value

struct UserInfo  

method blogger.getUsersBlogs

Returns information on all the blogs a given user is a member.


string appKey
string username
string password

Return Value

array of struct BlogInfo  

method blogger.newPost

Makes a new post to a designated blog. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the post.


string appKey
string blogid
string username
string password
string content
boolean publish

Return Value

string Id of new post

method blogger.setTemplate

Edits the main or archive index template of a given blog.


string appKey
string blogid
string username
string password
string template
string templateType

Return Value


method metaWeblog.editPost

Updates an existing post to a designated blog using the metaWeblog API. Returns true if completed.


string postid
string username
string password
struct Post post
boolean publish

Return Value


method metaWeblog.getCategories

Retrieves a list of valid categories for a post using the metaWeblog API. Returns the metaWeblog categories struct collection.


string blogid
string username
string password

Return Value

array of struct CategoryInfo  

method metaWeblog.getPost

Retrieves an existing post using the metaWeblog API. Returns the metaWeblog struct.


string postid
string username
string password

Return Value

struct Post  

method metaWeblog.getRecentPosts

Retrieves a list of the most recent existing post using the metaWeblog API. Returns the metaWeblog struct collection.


string blogid
string username
string password
integer numberOfPosts

Return Value

array of struct Post  

method metaWeblog.newMediaObject

Upload a new file to the binary content. Returns url as a string


string blogid
string username
string password
struct MediaType enc

Return Value

struct UrlInfo  

method metaWeblog.newPost

Makes a new post to a designated blog using the metaWeblog API. Returns postid as a string.


string blogid
string username
string password
struct Post post
boolean publish

Return Value


method mt.getCategoryList

Returns a list of all categories defined in the weblog.


string blogid
string username
string password

Return Value

array of struct Category The isPrimary member of each Category structs is not used.

method mt.getPostCategories

Returns a list of all categories to which the post is assigned.


string postid
string username
string password

Return Value

array of struct Category  

method mt.getRecentPostTitles

Returns a bandwidth-friendly list of the most recent posts in the system.


string blogid
string username
string password
integer numberOfPosts

Return Value

array of struct PostTitle  

method mt.getTrackbackPings

Retrieve the list of TrackBack pings posted to a particular entry. This could be used to programmatically retrieve the list of pings for a particular entry, then iterate through each of those pings doing the same, until one has built up a graph of the web of entries referencing one another on a particular topic.


string postid

Return Value

array of struct TrackbackPing  

method mt.publishPost

Publish (rebuild) all of the static files related to an entry from your weblog. Equivalent to saving an entry in the system (but without the ping).


string postid
string username
string password

Return Value

boolean Always returns true.

method mt.setPostCategories

Sets the categories for a post.


string postid
string username
string password
array of struct Category categories - categoryName not required in Category struct.

Return Value

boolean Always returns true.

method mt.supportedMethods

The method names supported by the server.



Return Value

array of string The method names supported by the server.

method mt.supportedTextFilters

The text filters names supported by the server.



Return Value

array of struct TextFilter The text filters names supported by the server.

struct Category


string categoryid
string title
string description
string htmlUrl
string rssUrl

struct Post


dateTime dateCreated
any userid
string postid
string content

struct UserInfo


string url
string email
string nickname
string lastname
string firstname

struct BlogInfo


string blogid
string url
string blogName

struct Post


dateTime dateCreated - Required when posting.
string description - Required when posting.
string title - Required when posting.
array of string categories (optional)
string link (optional)
string permalink (optional)
string postid (optional) - Not required when posting. Depending on server may be either string or integer. Use Convert.ToInt32(postid) to treat as integer or Convert.ToString(postid) to treat as string

struct CategoryInfo


string description
string htmlUrl
string rssUrl
string title
string categoryid

struct MediaType


string name
string type
base64 bits

struct UrlInfo


string url

struct Category


string categoryId
string categoryName (optional)
boolean isPrimary (optional)

struct PostTitle


dateTime created
string postid
string userid
string title

struct TrackbackPing


string pingTitle
string pingURL
string pingIP

struct TextFilter


string key
string value


newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Services 1.9.6264   CookComputing.XmlRpc.NoSN 1.0.0   .NET CLR 2.0.50727